Wednesday, May 24, 2006


In one Human Hour Al and I:

Drove to town;
Returned a Movie;
Looked for a new rental;
Bought Rum;
Bought Mix;
Drove Home;

In the same Hour of Puppy time My dog Franklin:

Ate my black dress shoes;
Ate my black CAT sandals;
Ate my blue slipper insoles;
Ate my brown slipper;
Chewed on my blue sandals;
Chewed on Al's blue sandals;
Ate my White Bra;
Ate my Phone bill; (do I still have to pay?)
Ate Al's new book;
Ate Al's old book:
Chewed the tag off my stuffed mouse;
Chewed the tag off my stuffed cow;
Ate the cat's catnip mouse;
Ate the cat's catnip ball;
Ate a magazine; (we still aren't sure which one)
Dragged every one of the above items into a different room than the ones they originated;

So, apparently every human year is 7 puppy years because every human hour is 7 puppy hours in which they can destroy your house!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this. The shoes. I cried tears over the shoes.


  2. I really think he has a fetish!
